Wednesday 4 December 2013

Beqa Shark Dive

Decided to go for a little shark dive one weekend! Luckily, in Fiji they have these sort of things pretty handy so we jumped in a bus and took off. About half an hour later we saw this sign...

It looked like a pretty reputable place so away we went! Turns out in Fiji you don't need to go down in a cage or anything like that... You just head down about 35 odd meters and sit on the bottom and watch the show!

Takes a while to sink down to 35 meters... So I took the time to make some pretty awesome bubbles!

When we got down to the bottom we sat behind a small rock wall put there to give us something to hold onto as there can be a fair bit of current with the tides. The guides moved out to an open area in front and started to feed the fish...

The fish seemed to know that they would be getting fed around this time of the day, so there was a fair few around when we got down there. But as soon as the food was brought out millions of the little things appeared. They were being fed scraps from a fish processing plant, some fairly big chunks for the sharks and small scraps for the little ones.


There were some massive fish in amongst the swarms. I think these are Gropers....?


Eventually the sharks turned up, they seemed to know the best chunks of dead fish would be kept for them so they weren't exactly punctual like the other fish. It was really hard to get decent photo's as they would sort of drift through the seething mass of fish trying to get something to eat, which made it really hard to get the camera to focus on the shark... Not to mention being that deep under water the colours all go a little strange. (These photos I touched up with photo shop to try and get some of the colours back.. It worked better in some photo's that others as you can see :) )

We did two dives that morning. On the way back to the surface we got to cruise around the reef and check out some boats they had sunk to add homes for the fish and they make some pretty cool places to explore during the dive! I managed to get a few photos of a Moray (?) eel, he was a awesome little guy. I would not want to have a few of them chasing me!!!

Everyone looks like a muppet in Scuba gear... 


What I think is a pretty cool photo of one of the wrecks

Probably my favourite photo... "Awww look at the cute little fishy... Hey... Hang on what the hell!" 

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