Tuesday 23 July 2013

Colo-I-Suva National Park, Suva Museum and Settling in

Bula Bula!

The last few weeks have flown by! Getting settled in, meeting everyone, finding our way around, its been great! 

Haven't been up to too much amazing stuff... We somehow got landed with Kitten sitting for a friend for a few weeks so we can't leave go anywhere too far away, but its not all bad. Hes a cute little bugger, even though when he farts he can clear a room!

All signed up to do our PADI courses this weekend and the next. The first day in the pool then two days out on the reefs diving! The diving is meant to be amazing out here, it is going to be awesome! We'll be sure to scope out some good spots and with my waterproof camera if anyone gets eaten by a shark it will be well documented!

Coconut Palms in popular areas have netting at the top to stop people being taken out...


I managed a trip over to Nadi (pronounced funny, n sound before the d, rhymes with candy) to catch up with one of the worlds coolest people! Its around a 4hour bus ride, buses here are crazy! All over the road, passing in ridiculous places, blasting 90's rock music... Good times! Once I got to Nadi it was straight to Denarau Island and to the Hilton. Its at the other end of the spectrum than Suva, all clean and manicured... Full of western people.... I think I had more culture shock walking into there than when I arrived in Fiji!!!!

 Colo-I-Suva National Park

You could worry its slimey and moves a lot... But its so cool!

 We went for a day trip to Colo-I-Suva Forest Park (pronounced 'tholo-i'), and it was awesome! Its around a half and hour bus ride from Suva ($1.50) and there is a bus stop right by the entrance so its super easy to get too and from.

While the map is of little use its pretty easy to find your way around....
Steps carved into the stone
Rainforest! Very... green...

You can easily spend 3-4 hours walking around and swimming in the numerous pools. While the water is somewhat murky the pools were all clean and free of debris. Some of the walk ways are a bit rickety, and some of the stairs are carved out of rock and are a bit greasy... It was awesome! The old Jandal's may not cut it unless you are a seasoned expert!

At the biggest pool there is a massive rope swing, where you can get a reasonable bit of height on! Good fun to be had! If you come and visit you will be taken here!!


Pretty awesome picnic spot...

Gotta love the local transport...

Fiji Museum

We had a wet weekend where we went and checked out the local museum... Its ah... interesting... Plenty of cannibalism tools and bits and pieces worth a hour or two looking around...

Hundred odd year old 'canoe'

Museum Gardens

Dried puffer fish helmet...
Shark tooth knuckle dusters...

Um I thinks all for now. Another update once we've done the our PADI courses!

The lonely Mango tree...

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